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Numerological Character Report ® & Numerological DayTracker ®

1. Secure Order Form (emailed Numerological Character Report ® only)

2. Secure Order Form (on-line versions: create a new user account and log in first)

3. Secure Invoice Payment Form (Pay for the Numerological Character Report and Numerological DayTracker online by credit card.)


Your Numerological Character Report ® will contain the following:
Report & DayTracker (sample in Acrobat pdf format or HTML below:)
Inner Potential Number
Sexual Expression & Your Inner Potential Number
Inner Potential Number and Minor Life Lessons
Your First Name
Your Business Signature
Recommended Business Signature - In your Numerological Character Report you will also receive a recommended signature to create more stable and accumulative financial conditions.
The Number on your Home or Apartment

Your Cycle Year: This information is provided in a separate booklet, the Numerological DayTracker™:
Sample Cover Page
First Page
Week View (One Week/page)
Month View (One Month/Page)
Day View (One Day/Page with Cycle Hours)
(The Month and Day views are contained in the more detailed one page/day Numerological DayTracker™

In the News 1995 -
Consultation Calculation Sheet, Reference material, 9 Steps to Triune Health.

Note: Create a new account and view your current year, month and day information in "My Calendar" (Numerological Character Report ®) and your other numerological information will be in "My Report" (Numerological DayTracker ®).

When you are prepared to give up everything you know to be true, then truth will come to you.    -    Colin Maxwell
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